Copyright, Terms, and Conditions

Museum of Art Museum of Art

Copyright, Terms, and Conditions

Copyright, Terms and Conditions

Access to and use of Bowdoin College Museum of Art's image and text files and data on this site are subject to the following terms and conditions:

  1. The text, images, and data on the Bowdoin College Museum of Art website are protected by copyright and may be covered by other restrictions as well. Bowdoin College retains all rights, including copyright, in data, images, software, documentation, text, and other information contained in these files (collectively, the "Materials"). Copyright and other proprietary rights may be held by individuals or entities other than, or in addition to, the College.
  2. The Materials are made available for limited non-commercial, educational, and personal use only, or for fair use as defined in the United States copyright laws. Users may download these files for their own use, subject to any additional terms or restrictions which may be applicable to the individual file or program. Users must, however, cite the author and source of the Materials as they would material from any printed work, and the citations should include the URL "" Bowdoin College Museum of Art does not warrant that use of the materials displayed on the site will not infringe the rights of third parties not owned by or affiliated with the Bowdoin College Museum of Art. For example, some works may be under copyright by the artist or the artist's heirs holding rights to these works. Such works may not be used in any form; they may not be copied or downloaded without prior permission from the holder of the underlying copyright.
  3. Copying or redistribution in any manner for commercial use, including commercial publication, or for personal gain is strictly prohibited. The Frequently Asked Questions and Answers listed below may assist you in interpreting permitted uses in these Terms and Conditions.

The Museum may at any time revise these Terms and Conditions by updating this posting. You are bound by any such revisions and should therefore periodically visit this page to review the then-current Terms and Conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

May I put unaltered images or text from the Bowdoin College Museum of Art's website on a file server at my school or museum? Yes, if there is no charge for the user and if electronic distribution is of limited term to your school or museum only. The images must remain unaltered. All of the accompanying caption information must be included without alteration, and the citation should include the URL ""

May I put unaltered images or text from the Bowdoin College Museum of Art's website on my personal website? Yes, so long as the site takes in no advertisements and no sponsors, does not charge a fee for services, and does not offer any product or service for sale. The images must remain unaltered. All of the accompanying caption information must be included without alteration, and the citation should include the URL "".

May I put images or text from the Bowdoin College Museum of Art's website on a CD-ROM, public domain or otherwise? No.

May I print selected images or text excerpts from the Bowdoin College Museum of Art's website for a school report? Yes, if it is a personal or academic work, and not for publication in any medium. The images must remain unaltered. All of the accompanying caption information must be included without alteration. You should cite the source as you would any printed work; the citation should include the URL "". This type of use is encouraged; all other forms of publication are expressly prohibited.

How do I obtain permission for other forms of publication? Anyone wishing to use the materials from this Site for purposes other than as authorized herein must obtain prior written approval. Permission for such use is granted on a case-by-case basis at the sole discretion of the Bowdoin College Museum of Art. A usage fee may be charged depending on the nature of the proposed use. For works of art from the Bowdoin College Museum of Art's collection reproduced on this site, in their entirety or as details, contact the Bowdoin College Museum of Art's Assistant to the Registrar: Michelle Henning ( or see our Rights and Reproduction information. For works of art from other museums or institutions reproduced on this site, contact the institution credited in the work's caption directly.

Rights and Reproductions

All questions and requests must be submitted in writing by mail or e-mail to the attention of the Museum's assistant registrar, Theresa Choi (; a schedule of fees and an application for photo reproduction permission form will be provided