I want to make a report. What options do I have?

Members of the College community are encouraged to report behavior that is inconsistent with Bowdoin’s stated values or policies. Reports can make a difference. Even if you don't want or expect any action to be taken, the report helps the College to better understand and address issues and occurrences of bias.

  • You may submit a report by email or in person to Katherine O’Grady, Executive Director for Institutional Equity and Compliance in OID, or to Benje Douglas, Senior Vice President for Inclusion and Diversity.
  • You may file a report online. Reports and complaints filed online are directed to the Office of Inclusion and Diversity (OID). You can use the forms on this page to submit reports concerning possible acts of discrimination and/or harassment. 
  • You may also report possible violations of the Employee Code of Conduct Violation Report Form (for Faculty and Staff).
  • For concerns that may also violate the student hazing policy, please submit a Hazing Report.

For matters involving Title IX, please use the Sexual Misconduct and Gender-Based Violence Report Form

  • You may file an online report anonymously. Note that when reporters choose to remain anonymous, it may limit the College’s ability to follow up with the reporter.
  • Report a criminal incident: If safety is a concern or you wish to report a criminal incident in connection with your experience, you may contact the Office of Safety and Security or the Brunswick Police Department.

Upon receipt of a report of discrimination or harassment, the Office of Inclusion and Diversity (OID) will promptly review the complaint and determine the appropriate next steps.

  • Matters involving Title IX will be referred to the Title IX Office.
  • Matters involving faculty members will be governed by the processes outlined in the Faculty Handbook.
  • Matters involving staff members will be governed by this policy and other relevant policies in the Employee Handbook.
  • Matters between students and matters involving student employees will be referred to the Office of the Dean of Students and governed by the appropriate student policy, such as the Social Code, in the Student Code of Community Standards.