For a full list of publications see this website. A list of refereed publications is available here.
Selected Publications
- Chase O., McBride F. et al., 2023, ApJ 948, p. 2: The Peculiar Variable X-Ray Spectrum of the Active Galactic Nucleus PKS 2005-489
- McBride (Krauß) F. et al., 2020, MNRAS 497, pp.2553-2561:Multimessenger observations of counterparts to IceCube-190331A
- Lucchini M., McBride (Krauß) F. et al., 2019, MNRAS 489, p.1633-1643: The unique case of the active galactic nucleus core of M87: a misaligned low-power blazar?
- McBride (Krauß) F. et al., 2018, A&A 620, A174: Fermi/LAT counterparts of IceCube neutrinos above 100 TeV
- McBride (Krauß) F. et al., 2018, A&A 610, L8: Investigating source confusion in PMN J1603-4904
- Kadler M., McBride (Krauß) F. et al., 2016, Nature Physics 12, pp. 807-814: Coincidence of a high-fluence blazar outburst with a PeV-energy neutrino event
- McBride (Krauß) F. et al., 2016, A&A 591, A130: The TANAMI Multiwavelength Program: Dynamic spectral energy distributions of southern blazars
- McBride (Krauß) F. et al., 2014, A&A 566, L7: TANAMI blazars in the IceCube PeV-neutrino fields