Scanning X-ray diffraction microscopy of a 6 GHz surface acoustic wave, M. Hanke, N. Ashurbekov, E. Zatterin, M. E. Msall, J. Hellemann, P. V. Santos, T. U. Schulli, S. Ludwig, Physical Review Applied 19, 024038 (2023), arXiv:2209.13954.
Atomic Force Microscopy Calibration of Standing Surface Acoustic Wave Amplitudes, Jan Hellemann, Filipp Müller, Madeleine Msall, Paulo V. Santos, and Stefan Ludwig, Physical Review Applied 17, 044024 (2022), arXiv:2111.10863.
Focusing Surface Acoustic Wave Microcavities on GaAs, Madeleine E. Msall and Paulo V. Santos, Physical Review Applied 13.1 (2020): 014037.
Acoustic Field for the Control of Electronic Excitations in Semiconductor Nanostructures, P. V. Santos, M. E. Msall, and S. Ludwig, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 1-4 (2018).
Acoustic Measurements of the Stripe and the Bubble Quantum Hall Phase, M. E. Msall, and W. Dietsche, New J. Phys. 17, 043042 (2015). DOI:10.1088/1367-2630/17/4/043042
Monte Carlo Modeling of Phonons at Crystal Interfaces, W. A. Page, D. Brandt, M. E. Msall, J. Low Temp. Phys., 176, 176-181 (2014). DOI: 10.1007/s10909-013-1000-9
Probing Quantum Hall State Homogeneity with Surface Waves, M E Msall, W Dietsche, S Schmult and K von Klitzing, Journal of Physics C (2013).
Low Temperature Group Velocity and Elasticity in Calcium Tungstate, M.E. Msall, T.L. Head, and D.S. Jumper, Solid State Communications 150, 1192 (2010).
Mapping Caustic Positions and Group Velocities: What Kind of Data Enables Efficient Optimization of Elastic Constant Values in Non-cubic Crystals? M.E. Msall and T.L. Head, Chinese Journal of Physics (2010).
Phonon-Imaging Measurement of Group Velocities and Elastic Constants in CaWO4, T.L. Head and M.E. Msall, Chinese Journal of Physics (2010).
Seeking Shear Waves in Liquids with Picosecond Ultrasonics, M.E. Msall, O. Matsuda, and O.B. Wright, J. Phys. C 92 012026 (2007).
Examination of an Unusual Grain Boundary in CaF2, M.E. Msall, W. Dietsche, R. Beane, R. Wichard, and J. Carpenter, phys. stat. sol. (c) 1, No. 11, 2983–2986 (2004).
Ballistic Phonon-Drag Imaging in AlAs Quantum Wells, W. Dietsche, M.Msall, J.G.S. Lok, M. Lynass and M. Hauser, phys. stat. sol. (c) 1, No. 11, 2947–2950 (2004).
M.E. Msall and J.P. Wolfe, Ballistic Phonon Production in Photoexcited Ge, GaAs, and Si, Physical Review B 65, 195205 (2002).
M.E. Msall, W. Dietsche, K.-J. Friedland, Q.-Y. Tong and B. Mohr, New Angles of Phonon Refraction, Physica B 316-7, 366 (2002).
Guest Editor, Physica B 316-7 (2002), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter, August 12-17, 2001, Dartmouth College, USA, with M.N. Wybourne, M.P. Blencowe, and W.E. Lawrence III.
Men in Black, Bowdoin College Commencement Address, September 4, 2002.
M.E. Msall, W. Dietsche, K.J. Friedland, and Q.-Y. Tong, Images of the Phonon Propagation across Twist-Bonded Crystals, Physical Review Letters, 85, 598-601 (2000). Featured in Science Magazine’s Editors' Choice: Highlights of the recent literature, Science 289, 1109 (2000).
M.E. Msall, A. Klimashov, S. Kronmüller, H. Kostial, W. Dietsche, and K. Friedland, Ballistic Phonon Transmission across Wafer-bonded Crystals, Applied Physics Letters 74, 821 (1999).
M.E. Msall, A. Klimashov, W. Dietsche, and K. Friedland, Direct Phonon Transmission across Wafer-bonded Crystals, Physica B 263-4, 361 (1998).
M.E. Msall and J.P. Wolfe, Phonon Production in Weakly Photoexcited Semiconductors: Quasidiffusion in Ge, GaAs and Si, Physical Review B 56, 9557 (1997).
M.E. Msall, S.E. Esipov, and J.P. Wolfe, Photoproduced Phonons in Semiconductors, Physica B 219 & 220, 738-740 (1996).
M.E. Msall, S. Tamura, S.E. Esipov, and J.P. Wolfe, Quasidiffusion and the Localized Phonon Source, Physical Review Letters 70, 3463 (1993).
S.E. Esipov, M.E. Msall, and J.P. Wolfe, Acoustic Phonon Emission Due to Localized Photoexcitation of Si; Electron-hole Droplets vs. the Phonon Hot Spot, Physical Review B 47, 13330 (1993).
J.A. Shields, M.E. Msall, M.S. Carroll, and J.P. Wolfe, Propagation of Optically Generated Acoustic Phonons in Si, Physical Review B 47, 12510 (1993).
M.A. Weilert, M.E. Msall, A.C. Anderson, and J.P. Wolfe, Phonon Scattering from Ferroelectric Domain Walls: Phonon Imaging in KDP, Physical Review Letters 71, 735 (1993).
M. A. Weilert, M. E. Msall, J. P. Wolfe, and A. C. Anderson, Mode Dependent Scattering of Phonons by Domain Walls in Ferroelectric KDP. Zeit. Physik. B 91, 179-188 (1993).
S. E. Esipov, M. E. Msall, B. Cabrera, and J. P. Wolfe, Ballistic Phonon Emission from Electron-hole Droplets - Application to the Nuclear Recoil Problem (PDF). J. Low Temp. Phys. 93, 377-385 (1993).
M. E. Msall, M. S. Carroll, J. A. Shields, and J. P. Wolfe, Observation of Quasidiffusive Phonon Propagation in Silicon. Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter VII eds. M. Meissner, and R. O. Pohl (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993), 116-117.
M. A. Weilert, M. A. Msall, A. C. Anderson, and J. P. Wolfe, Specular Phonon Scattering from Ferroelectric Domain Walls in KDP, ibid, 46-47.